“Cassandra provided me with a lifeline during the darkest period of my life. Her unwavering support and gentle guidance helped me find my strength again. I will forever be grateful for her understanding and expertise.” – Sarah, Survivor. “I felt broken and lost until I met Cassandra. Her trauma counsellingContinue Reading

Our vision is to create a safe and healing space where individuals impacted by trauma find strength, resilience, and renewed hope. We envision a world where trauma survivors can reclaim their lives, restore their well-being, and thrive in their personal journeys of healing. Our vision is grounded in the beliefContinue Reading

Connection and community are more important than ever, so despite our physical separation, connecting virtually is all we have during Covid-19. The virtual women’s circle is hosted by Cassandra Allen. It provides those with an opportunity to connect together virtually via Zoom. It’s a chance to hold space for otherContinue Reading

How to cope during uncertain times https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-adaptive-mind/202004/how-cope-uncertain-times?fbclid=IwAR1-od-0kNCSQl9vNpeghQ6N8tAl08FTzN4IPAD-Gvlxf9t2F6cOc0FLnZ4 Self care isn’t selfish https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/managing-my-daily-life/coping-with-isolation-and-being-at-home/why-you-should-do-something-for-yourself-every-day.html?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organicsocial_bb_jun20&utm_demo=all&utm_targeting=null&utm_format=link&utm_creative=photo&utm_objective=null&utm_id=organicsocial_bb0551&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkJWh2Zqa6wIVQ38rCh0zbgHBEAAYASAAEgI6yPD_BwE Coping with Isolation https://coronavirus.beyondblue.org.au/managing-my-daily-life/coping-with-isolation-and-being-at-home.htmlContinue Reading